Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Back to School, Back to School, to Prove to Dad I'm Not a Fool!

Wow! Summer is already almost over! Today we started our first week back for inservice before school starts. I wanted to start this blog mostly for my memories, but also to share with other teachers out there in cyberspace! 
This summer was a good well resting summer, and the first chunk of time I haven't actually worked since I was 16, so that was nice! I spent my summer sleeping, working on "upcycling" furniture with my mom and redoing her kitchen. I am very happy to be back in the classroom though! Being at al our inservice this week has really got me pumped! I am excited to be using more technology in my classroom, and all the benefits that come with it for my students! 
Thanks to my mom's help, I have a leg up, and I am pretty much free tomorrow to help my team get ready for "Meet the Teacher" night because my room is pretty much done! 
This year, I plan to be a better writing and spelling teacher, as well as implement new technology in my classroom! I am excited this year to try using twitter as a means of communication with my parents! I plan to use it to post pictures and tweets about what we are learning in class! I also heard about this AWESOME app called Confer this summer at one of my workshops! It completely simplifies note taking, and helps you differentiate your students! 
Take a few minutes to check out the YouTube video: 
                                                        Confer App Video
This app is worth the money you pay! It's expensive for an app, but we spends oodles of money getting ready for the beginning of the school year, put that stack of 1 dollar books back at half price, and get this app instead! :) I haven't actually used it yet, but I am convinced that it will revolutionize my classroom! haha! I'll let you know once school starts how I feel! Well that's it for my first post! I'll come back later to document more memories!
Thanks for checkin' in!

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