Monday, November 18, 2013

I'm Feeling Holly Jolly!

Wow! I haven't been on here in forever! This school year has really been going by fast! I have a wonderful class this year, their personalities are awesome! My class last year had a lot of personality, so I was nervous this year would be a little boring, but they have really come out of their shells and are a lot of fun to be with! 
I have been pretty busy with school, life at home and trying to create a few things for my TPT store! A lot of the things I have been working on are holiday word problem packs! For one reason, I LOVE the holidays, and for another, word problem skills are so vital when they go to 3rd grade and have to start taking the big bad test! I try to prepare them for it as much as I can in second! You can get to my store by clicking here
I have completed a HUGE pack that has word problems for all the major holidays (Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Valentines Day and Easter).

I have also created an Elf on the Shelf pack, which I have been selling a lot of lately. This is  a lot of fun! I did it last year for the first time and am totally doing it every single year now! 
If you noticed my blog post and wondered why I am feeling so "holly jolly", it's because of all of these holidays, I have really been in a GREAT mood, like ALL the time! It's really actually pretty funny how much of a great mood I get in when I walk outside and it is cold, or I see a Christmas commercial, or I turn on some Christmas music, it just really does make me feel jolly!
Anyhoo, I guess that is about all I have been up to lately! Hopefully, I will begin to do better about keeping my blog a little bit more updated! 
Thanks for checkin' in!